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Speech by President von der Leyen at the European Parliament Plenary on Putin’s aggression against Ukraine

1 March 2022 - European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen delievered a speech at the European Parliament Plenary on Putin’s aggression against Ukraine.

date:  04/03/2022

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She started by saying:

"War has returned to Europe. Almost thirty years after the Balkan Wars, and over half a century after Soviet troops marched into Prague and Budapest, civil defence sirens again went off in the heart of a European capital. Thousands of people fleeing from bombs, camped in underground stations – holding hands, crying silently, trying to cheer each other up. Cars lined up towards Ukrainian Western borders, and when many of them ran out of fuel, people picked up their children and their backpacks and marched for tens of kilometres towards our Union."

President von der Leyen continued by stating:

“This is a moment of truth for Europe. Let me quote the editorial of one Ukrainian newspaper, the Kyiv Independent, published just hours before the invasion began: ‘This is not just about Ukraine. It is a clash of two worlds, two polar sets of values.’ They are so right. This is a clash between the rule of law and the rule of the gun; between democracies and autocracies; between a rules-based order and a world of naked aggression. How we respond today to what Russia is doing will determine the future of the international system. The destiny of Ukraine is at stake, but our own fate also lies in the balance. We must show the power that lies in our democracies, the power of people that choose their independent paths, freely and democratically.”

Read the speech for information on concrete European actions in response to the Russian aggression.

The speech is available online in English, French, German and Ukrainian.

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