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Online Info Session on the European Remembrance call for proposals

The European Commission organises an Online Info Session on the European Remembrance call in order to share more information about the priorities, the expected results and share some practical advice and information about the process, evaluation criteria and the lump sum budget.

date:  28/01/2022

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Live streaming available). To register and have more information click here.

The Commission has almost doubled its funding to EUR 8 Mio for projects on European Remembrance. Two topics are in the focus of the 2022 call:

  1. Commemoration of and research and education about crimes committed under totalitarian regimes, particularly the Holocaust
  2. Resistance, democratic transition and democratic consolidation in the EU

The call supports several EU strategies: EU Strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, EU anti-racism action plan, EU Roma strategic framework on equality, inclusion and participation.


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