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Spotlight on the Union values call

The Union values call is a novelty and also the biggest call of the CERV programme. 51 million are available to support grass-root civil society organisations through a new funding scheme (cascading grant).

date:  16/12/2021

Call for proposals for action grants to promote and protect Union values


Budget51 million EUR

Deadline to apply for funding29 March 2022

Link of the callclick here  

Civil society organisations play an important role in promoting a culture of values, based on the rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights and they are key partners also for Member States to support them in their efforts to promote and protect fundamental rights, democracy and the rule of law. Civil society organisations need to be able to work in a supportive environment so that they can carry out their mission effectively.

The call for proposals on promoting and protecting union values will precisely support civil society organisations at local level to pursue their crucial work for our Union of values.

The purpose of this call for proposals is to select and support a limited number of independent intermediaries in the greatest number of Member States, that will:

  1. build the capacities of a large number of civil society organisations (CSOs) active at local, regional and/or national level,
  2. provide them with financial support (cascading grant).

The priorities of this call are:

  • to raise awareness on rights and values through support to civil society organisations;
  • to strengthen the protection and promotion of Union values including the respect of the rule of law;
  • to contribute to democratic values including by supporting dialogue, transparency and good governance, including in cases of shrinking space for civil society.

Applications must foresee the provision of financial support to civil society organisations active at local, regional and national level and which promote and protect the EU‘s fundamental rights and values, and carry out activities in the fields covered by the programme.  Proposals should be based on a thorough assessment of the CSOs landscape (in the country(ies) covered), the challenges they face and their needs.

Do not forget that the Funding & tenders opportunities portal  offers a Partner Search service to find organisations based on their profile or their previous participation in EU funded projects.

An online info-session on this call for proposal will be organised on 25 January 2022. Please check under "call updates" and "News" on the CERV Programme homepage to register.

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