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Call for proposals on European Remembrance including remembrance, education and research on the Holocaust

Deadline: 24/03/2022

Related topics

Combating antisemitism

date:  28/11/2021

See alsoLink to the call

The Commission has almost doubled its funding to 8 million euro for projects on European Remembrance with a particular priority on strengthening Holocaust remembrance, education and research and combating Holocaust denial and distortion. The call supports several EU strategies, including the EU Strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life.

Projects should:

  • consider the European and transnational dimension of the Holocaust, its root causes and consequences, and the implications for today;
  • and/or consider to transform research, memorial sites and testimonies of Holocaust survivors into practical educational tools for all parts of society in particular multipliers such as policymakers, state officials and societal leaders;
  • and/or pay particular attention to tackle the challenge of Holocaust denial and distortion, offline and online.

Project proposals:

  • Must be submitted by a consortium (2 or more organisations)
  • Must be based on lump-sum funding (only events are the basis for EU contribution calculation, see the call on the funding & tender portal )
  • Must be submitted by EU-based organisations (currently no associated country to the CERV Programme)
  • Can be national or transnational
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