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Slovak Diversity Charter's activities

The Charter organised several events during the last months. And there are many more to come!

date:  25/11/2021

LGBTI+ Professionals Picnic (June 25, 2021): an informal work experience sharing on topics of inclusive benefits, education and culture, promoting diversity and non-discrimination with special focus on LGBTI+ community at workplace.

Small Talk(s) (in June, September & November 2021): best practice sharing online meetings for the signatories (Ambassadors and Main supporters) on topics such as Internal I&D Surveys, ERGs and Internal Communication of I&D.

Equal Pay Day – media breakfast, October 25, 2021: in cooperation with the Charter signatory Philip Morris Slovakia and the Institute for Labour and Family Research, we discussed the issue of unequal reward and opportunities for men and women. The 25th of October 2021 is the day since Slovak women with average earnings symbolically start working until the end of the 2021 for free, compared to their male colleagues doing the same job.

BLF CSR Summit 2021, October 26, 2021: Diversity has been one of the key topics at our biggest conference about responsible businesses – BLF CSR Summit 2021.

Online discussion on the topic “Single-parent families”, November 23, 2021: what kind of incentives is the government and NGOs providing them and what could the employers do in this area to support their employees who are single-parent and the new signatories signing ceremony


More to come: January 27, 2022Czech-Slovak Forum – common (hybrid) event of Czech and Slovak Diversity Charter within the EC project Diversity Master Class. We look at the social-political background of Czech-Slovak history, our cooperation and acceptance of diversities in society. Further, our signatories operating on both sides of borders will share their best practice with focus on specific areas of I&D (women & parenthood; foreign workers; age diversity).

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