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Latest projects from the Portuguese Diversity Charter

The Portuguese Association for Diversity and Inclusion (APPDI) continues its activity, having started the following projects: coordination of the project Diverse and Ative: Promotion of Diversity and Non-Discrimination in the Workplace and the beginning of the 5th edition of the Program Engineers For One Day (Engenheiras Por Um Dia in Portuguese).

date:  25/11/2021

The Diverse and Ative Project, promoted in partnership with the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN-Portugal), the European Intercultural Club and the Likestillinggsenteret KUN – Center for Equality and Diversity, arises within the scope of the Cidadãos Ativ@s Program, created by the consortium formed by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the Bissaya Barreto Foundation, within the framework of the Active Citizens Fund.

It aims to develop a set of transforming tools and instruments to promote diversity and tolerance, combating discrimination in the workplace. Its target are professionals from Human Resources (HR) departments and Social Entities, and it intends to involve 100 organizations and 180 professionals from various sectors of activity nationwide.

In July, the initial study took place, with the collaboration of 30 organizations for the elaboration of 2 guides to train HR and labor inclusion professionals in the prevention of discrimination and unconscious bias. A survey of the global perception of discrimination was carried out through questionnaires with HR professionals and social entities and, subsequently, 9 focus groups to analyze the perception of discrimination, stereotypes, and common prejudices in the work environment.

If you want to know more about this project, click here.

The Engineers For One Day Program began its 5th edition in October 2021 and will resume on-site experimentation and mentoring activities for professions and jobs in the fields of science, engineering and technology (STEM). Currently, it has 72 partner entities (9 of which are municipalities), 43 basic and high schools and 15 higher education institutions.

This Program is an initiative of the Secretary of State for Citizenship and Equality, and its mission is to promote, among non-higher education female students, the option for engineering and technology, deconstructing the idea that these are male domains.

Since its creation, in 2017, it has reached 10,411 young students from 12 to 18 years-old, in 460 activities, including laboratory practices, role model sessions and mentoring.

Although girls and women make up half of the people in secondary or higher education in Portugal, they represent only 12.8% among ICT students and 22.8% among engineering students. Giving women and girls equal opportunities to choose and thrive in STEM careers can help reduce the gender pay gap, increase women's economic security, ensure a diverse and talented STEM workforce, and avoid bias in these areas, products and services produced.

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