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Dutch Diversity Charter monitor 2020: despite Corona crisis, companies report equal or higher priority for diversity policy

Dutch Diversity Charter signatories report good results on their commitment to a more diverse workforce and a more inclusive corporate culture. They are especially positive about the inflow of diversity groups such as people with a migrant background (Turkish, Moroccan and Surinamese), the implementation and output of diversity policies, and the support from SER Diversity at Work. These are the main conclusions of the Charter Monitor 2020.

Dutch Diversity Charter

date:  25/11/2021

Charter signatories particularly report an increase in the inflow of employees with a disability, with a migration background such as Turkish, Moroccan and Surinamese, women and young people. Career advancement, retention and outflow are less well monitored and are an important point of improvement. Signatories who do monitor career advancement and retention, mostly achieve results with the advancement of women to higher positions. It is positively striking that, despite the corona crisis, the priority for diversity policy in 2020 has remained the same or even increased.

Annually SER Diversity at Work commissions a study into the annual reports of the signatories of the Dutch Diversity Charter, which aims to get an overview of the extent in which the Charter signatories put their action plan into practice, what results they achieve and how D&I policy focus develops over time. An online survey was filled out by 124 signatories and had a response rate of 75 percent.


- The corona pandemic has not led to a decrease in attention to diversity among Charter signatories in 2020. The corona pandemic did influence the way diversity and inclusion are brought to the attention in 2020. It also increased the pressure on creating an inclusive work climate.

- For creating an inclusive climate, the results for 2020 indicate a positive development. Companies are implementing specific activities to create awareness and support and are positive about changes in organizational culture and measures aimed at involving diverse groups in the organization.

- The actions taken to achieve a more diverse workforce show that the focus is mainly on the intake of employees with a non-Western migration background, people with an occupational disability/chronic illness and women. Only a limited number of signatories pay attention to the age dimension, in particular the intake of young people, and lhbti+.

- Positive results are achieved for the intake of people with an employment restriction or chronic illness and women. The intake of people with a migrant background is a spear point for many companies, but the visibility of the results on this point is regularly lacking. This is related to the reluctance of companies to register the ethnic-cultural background of their personnel.

- There is still little attention for the career advancement, retention and outflow from diversity groups. This makes the diversity policy vulnerable, because attracting new employees alone is not enough to sustainably achieve a diverse organization. The recommendation is to link the commitment to a more inclusive organization more explicitly to measures to promote advancement and prevent dropout.

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