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News from the Project B-COMPETENT

The project B-COMPETENT, co-funded by the justice Programme, is coordinated by the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli in partnership with other six partners from Spain, Albania and Italy.

date:  16/12/2021

This project aims to build the capacity of prison civilian staff to correctly deal with foreign inmates and to meet their special needs and rights in line with international laws and standards.

The Consortium developed a free online course which provides useful insights into legislative frameworks and key aspects of the management of foreign nationals in prison like: European standards in the work with foreign inmates, right to access to justice and other rights (communications, health), conditions of detained women with minor children, access to penitentiary work, restorative justice, to mention some of the most relevant issues.

More details about the training program can be found at this page and in the flyer here below. Click here to register.
The project will officially end on 15th December 2021, but the course will remain available also after this date.

You can find more information about the project on their website.


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