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New calls for proposals published under the CERV and justice programmes!

Under the CERV programme, the Union values call makes 51 million available to support grass-root civil society organisations and there is also the first-ever call to support training and awareness about the EU Charter of fundamental rights and strategic litigation. Under the justice programme, judicial professionals can benefit from the justice programme’s transnational nature. In total, for 2022, 143,4 million are available for the CERV programme and 13,3 million for the justice programme. Discover below all the 2022 calls, you cannot miss these funding opportunities!

date:  16/12/2021




1. Call for proposals to promote capacity building and awareness on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and activities on strategic litigation relating to democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights’ breaches

Budget: 2 million EUR

Deadline to apply for funding: 24 February 2022

Link of the call: click here

For the very first time, the Commission makes available 2 million euro for projects on the EU Charter and strategic litigation. Specific targets are civil society organisations, National Human Rights Institutions, Equality bodies and Ombuds Institutions.

Proclaimed 20 years ago and legally binding since 2009, the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (‘the Charter’) was a quantum leap for European integration. It reaffirmed that the EU is built on fundamental rights, democracy and the rule of law. The Charter enshrines fundamental rights from which everyone in the EU should benefit. However, the Charter is not used to its full potential and awareness remains low.

As highlighted in the EU Charter Strategy, rights holders need to be aware of their rights and need help to receive effective judicial protection in case their fundamental rights were breached. Strategic litigators are key to foster the promotion and protection of Charter rights and need support to strengthen their capacity and specialised knowledge on the Charter and on how to develop a strategic approach to cases. In this context, the support and assistance to the victims provided by civil society organisations, national human rights institutions and Equality Bodies is instrumental.

The call has two priorities:

  1. Capacity-building and awareness raising on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights - To contribute to the effective and coherent application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (the Charter), in line with the Strategy to strengthen the application of the Charter in the EU and to foster a culture of fundamental rights in the Member States.
  2. Activities on strategic litigation - To strengthen the knowledge and ability of practitioners, legal professionals, civil society organisations and independent human rights bodies to effectively engage in litigation practices at national and European level, and to improve access to justice and enforcement of rights under EU law, including the Charter, through training, knowledge sharing and exchange of good practices.

The following EU policy initiatives are supported under this call for proposals:

- European Democracy Action Plan

- Rule of Law Report

- Strategy to strengthen the application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in the EU

2. Call for proposals for action grants to promote and protect Union values

 Budget: 51 million EUR

Deadline to apply for funding: 29 March 2022

Link of the callclick here  

Civil society organisations play an important role in promoting a culture of values, based on the rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights and they are key partners also for Member States to support them in their efforts to promote and protect fundamental rights, democracy and the rule of law. Civil society organisations need to be able to work in a supportive environment so that they can carry out their mission effectively.

The call for proposals on promoting and protecting union values will precisely support civil society organisations at local level to pursue their crucial work for our Union of values.

The purpose of this call for proposals is to select and support a limited number of independent intermediaries in the greatest number of Member States, that will:

  1. build the capacities of a large number of civil society organisations (CSOs) active at local, regional and/or national level,
  2. provide them with financial support (cascading grant).

The priorities of this call are:

  • to raise awareness on rights and values through support to civil society organisations;
  • to strengthen the protection and promotion of Union values including the respect of the rule of law;
  • to contribute to democratic values including by supporting dialogue, transparency and good governance, including in cases of shrinking space for civil society.

Applications must foresee the provision of financial support to civil society organisations active at local, regional and national level and which promote and protect the EU‘s fundamental rights and values, and carry out activities in the fields covered by the programme.  Proposals should be based on a thorough assessment of the CSOs landscape (in the country(ies) covered), the challenges they face and their needs.

3. Call for proposals on citizens engagement and participation

 Budget: 17 million EUR

Deadline to apply for funding: 10 February 2022

Link of the call: click here  

You look for financial support for projects on citizens’ participation? The Commission makes 17 million euro available for projects of transnational partnerships and networks directly involving citizens. The aim of these projects is gathering people from different backgrounds in activities directly linked to EU policies, giving them an opportunity to actively take part in the EU policymaking.

Five priority themes for this year’s call:

  1. the 2024 European Parliament elections and EU citizens’ rights;
  2. exploring how the COVID-19 crisis has affected the democratic debate and the enjoyment of fundamental rights;
  3. innovative democratic approaches and tools to help citizens make their voices heard;
  4. countering disinformation and other forms of interference in the democratic debate and promoting media literacy;
  5. engaging citizens and communities in discussions and action related to climate change and environment; 

4. Calls for proposals on Town-Twinning and Networks of Towns

Budget: 11 million EUR

Deadline to apply for funding: 24 March 2022

Link of the callclick here  

Would you like to develop a town-twinning project or a network of towns in an EU context? The Commission makes 11 million Euro available for transnational projects promoting exchanges between citizens from municipalities of different countries. These projects will give citizens the chance to broaden their perspective and to develop a sense of European belonging and identity. At the same time, these projects will encourage the active cooperation and exchange between municipalities.

Two categories of projects:

  1. Citizen-oriented small-scale Town-Twinning Projects will offer the opportunity to discover the cultural diversity of the European Union and to make citizens aware that European values and cultural heritage constitute the foundation for a common future. This year’s specific focus is on:
    1. The richness of the cultural and linguistic environment in Europe;
    2. Reinforcing the European integration process through solidarity;
    3. Debating the future of Europe ;
    4. Reflecting on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the local communities.
  1. Larger-scale Networks of Towns will deepen and intensify the cooperation between municipalities and their citizens in a long-term perspective and develop more thematic and policy-related activities. Specific focus is given to:
    1. Strengthening the European and democratic dimension of the EU decision-making process;
    2. Supporting free and fair elections in Europe, in particular in view of the European elections of 2024;
    3. Promoting the debate on the future of Europe;
    4. Reflecting on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the local communities.

5. Call for proposals on European remembrance

Budget: 8 million EUR

Deadline to apply for funding: 24 March 2022

Link of the call: click here

With 8 million euro, the European Commission will support projects that commemorate defining events in modern European history, including the causes and consequences of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, and at raising awareness among Europeans of their shared history, culture, heritage and values.

Two priorities:

  1. Commemoration of and research and education about crimes committed under totalitarian regimes particularly the Holocaust

Holocaust remembrance, research and education will be a priority of the call. Projects under this priority should:

    • consider the European and transnational dimension of the Holocaust, its root causes and consequences, and the implications for today;
    • and/or consider to transform research, memorial sites and testimonies of Holocaust survivors into practical educational tools for all parts of society in particular multipliers such as policymakers, state officials and societal leaders;
    • and/or pay particular attention to tackle the challenge of Holocaust denial and distortion, offline and online.

The EU Roma strategic framework on equality, inclusion and participation, and the EU Strategy on Combating Antisemitism & Fostering Jewish Life (2021-2030) should be considered by projects during their implementation.

  1. Resistance, democratic transition and democratic consolidation in the EU

Projects under this priority should:

    • analyse and highlight resistance and/or organised opposition;
    • and/or highlight the democratic transition including attempts providing justice for victims;
    • and/or focus on how the EU accession influenced democratic standards and practices of the new democracies throughout the accession process.

6. Call for proposals to promote equality and to fight against racism, xenophobia and discrimination

Budget: 12,2 million EUR

Deadline to apply for funding: 24 February 2022

Link of the call: click here

Are you looking for EU funding for projects tackling intolerance, racism, xenophobia and discrimination?

Through its Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme (CERV) the European Commission makes 12 million euro available for projects combatting all forms of discrimination on grounds of sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation.

Five priorities are foreseen for 2022:

  1. Fighting against intolerance, racism, xenophobia, discrimination, hate speech and hate crime;
  2. Promoting diversity management and inclusion at the workplace;
  3. Fighting discrimination against LGBTIQ people;
  4. Preventing, reporting and countering hate speech online;
  5. Restricted to public authorities to improve their responses to discrimination, racism and xenophobia.

7. Call for proposals to promote gender equality

Budget: 6,8 million EUR

Deadline to apply for funding: 16 March 2022

Link of the call: click here

The European Commission makes 6,8 million Euro available to promote women’s full enjoyment of rights, freedom from gender stereotypes, gender equality, including work-life balance, women’s empowerment and gender mainstreaming.

The 2022 Gender Equality Call focuses on two priorities:

  1. Equal participation and representation of women and men in political and economic decision making (at all levels - European, national, regional and local)
  2. Tackling gender stereotypes, including with a focus on youth, and in advertising and the media

This call for proposals supports the Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025.

8. Call for proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children

Budget: 30,5 million EUR

Deadline to apply for funding: 12 April 2022

Link of the call: click here

A budget of 30,5 million EUR is available to support projects on preventing and combating gender-based violence and violence against children!

Five priorities for the year 2022:

  1. Large-scale and long-term transnational actions to tackle gender-based violence, in particular domestic violence, harmful practices, violence and harassment in the world of work and overcoming gender stereotypes;
  2. Combating and preventing violence linked to harmful practices such as female genital mutilation and forced sterilisation, early and forced marriage and other harmful practices against women and girls;
  3. Primary prevention of gender-based violence, in particular changing social norms and behaviour, in order to end tolerance of all forms of gender-based violence;
  4. Supporting and improving national data collection on violence against children,
  5. Strengthening responses that prevent and support child victims of violence by reinforcing child protection systems at national and local level.

This call for proposal is intended to support the following EU policy strategies:

9. Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child

Budget: 3 million EUR

Deadline to apply for funding: 18 May 2022

Link of the call: click here

Are you looking for EU funding for projects promoting the rights of the child? Through the CERV programme, the European Commission supports projects contributing to the implementation of the EU Strategy on the rights of the child. In particular, this call for proposals focuses on the implementation of the first thematic area of the Strategy: participation of children in political and democratic life. 

10. Call for proposals limited/restricted to National Roma Contact Points

Budget: 1,9 million EUR

Deadline to apply for funding: 3 March 2022

Link of the call: click here

The objective of this call is to foster the implementation of the EU Roma strategic framework on equality, inclusion and participation in the Member States. Hence, the aim of this Call is also to advance the institutional development and capacity of the National Roma Contact Points for Roma equality, inclusion and participation (NRCPs) in their role of facilitating national consultation processes, particularly through reforming and strengthening their established National Roma Platforms (NRPs).




1. Call for proposals for action grants to promote judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters

Budget: 5,5 million EUR

Deadline to apply for funding: 16 March 2022

Link of the call: click here

Do not miss funding for EU projects to promote the application of EU civil, commercial and criminal law.

2. Call for proposals for action grants to support transnational projects on judicial training covering civil law, criminal law or fundamental rights

Budget: 5 million EUR

Deadline to apply for funding: 22 March 2022

Link of the call: click here

Do you know that transnational judicial training is supported by EU funds? Under the justice programme you can apply for funding for your projects on judicial training.

3. Call for proposals for action grants to support national or transnational e-Justice projects

Budget: 2,8 million EUR

Deadline to apply for funding: 15 March 2022

Link of the call: click here

Are you looking for EU funding for projects to become part of the European e-justice area?

The general aim of this call is to facilitate effective and non-discriminatory access to justice for all, including by electronic means (e-justice), by promoting efficient civil and criminal procedures.

The main themes and priorities are:

  • To contribute to achieving the objectives of the European Commission "Communication on the Digitalisation of Justice in the EU" and the "Council European e-Justice Strategy  and Action Plan 2019-2023" by supporting the implementation of e-Justice projects at the European and national level;
  • To support projects aiming at joining or enhancing existing or on-going e-Justice projects;
  • To support the development of concrete use cases based on artificial intelligence and distributed ledger technology in the justice area.

Project activities under this call could include:

  • Analytical, conceptual, design and elaboration work;
  • IT software development, quality assurance and related auxiliary measures necessary for the establishment of IT systems;
  • Expansion and adaptation of existing national and transnational solutions towards addressing the objectives of the call.
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