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Follow-up of the 1st CERV Civil Dialogue week

Four days of discussions, attended by around 1,000 organisations: the 1st CERV Civil Dialogue week has been a great opportunity to launch the new Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) programme by giving also policymakers, citizens and civil society representatives the opportunity to discuss how key policy priorities in the areas of democracy, rights, equality and values can be translated into concrete projects.

date:  13/07/2021

We sincerely hope that you liked it and found it useful and inspiring. Here below you can find an interesting and comprehensive report that summarizes the key points of the whole event (day per day) and some statistics at the end.

On the home page of the CERV Civil Dialogue week platform, you can find and download the presentations made by the speakers and watch the recordings of the sessions of each day in case you missed something. Moreover, current beneficiaries of projects funded in 2019 and 2020 under the REC and Justice programmes can also consult and download a document called “Day 4_FAQ” which contains the answers to all the questions on project and financial management which have been asked during the last day of the CERV week (last document on the right under "resources").

Thanks again for your active participation during the 1st CERV Civil Dialogue week!


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