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Celebrating diversity in Spain

Fundación Diversidad in collaboration with the representation in Spain of the European Commission have prepared several initiatives, on one hand to spread the word about the EU Diversity Month and, on the other hand, to celebrate the Diversity Month with media campaigns, social networks and events during May.

date:  28/04/2021

During April, we have widely promoted the European Diversity Month through all our communication channels, as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube, and also issued two press releases. We also have enabled a section on our website with all the details of the month and the downloadable material in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

In addition, we have conducted an Informative Webinar to explain step by step how to participate in the European Diversity Month and clarify possible doubts of the companies. Furthermore, we asked 20 Spanish companies to record a video saying that they will join the European Diversity Month and encouraging other companies to do so. All these videos have been shared on our Social Networks.

During May, we are going to start every day with a #QuoteoftheDay with different CEOs from Spanish companies. As well, we will share content and initiatives on diversity and inclusion of those same companies on our web page and social media. Our goal is to disseminate what companies are sharing during the month.

Two events are going to take place (virtually):

The main event will take place on May  27, where specialists and companies will present trends and best practices in diversity and inclusion. In addition, several companies will sign the Diversity Charter for the first time and others will renew their commitment. Finally the Diversity@work Blended Learning course on Unconscious Bias sponsored by the European Commission will be presented during the event. Last but not least, Hellena Dalli, EU Commissioner for Equality, will participate with an institutional message.


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