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Report from launch event of the European Diversity Month - 4 May 2021

On 4 May 2021, the European Commission organised the launch event of the European Diversity Month. European Diversity Month is organised by the European Commission and the EU Platform of Diversity Charters together with its members to support the European Commission’s long-lasting commitment to fight discrimination and promote diverse and inclusive workplaces.

date:  28/04/2021

The aim of the event was to bring together policy-makers, chief executive officers of diversity charter signatories, other organisations and stakeholders to review and promote the consideration of racial and ethnic origin in diversity strategies, as announced in the Anti Racism Action Plan.

The launch event included interventions by high-level participants such as the European Commissioner for Equality, the Portuguese Secretary of State for Citizenship and Equality, ARDI MEP, CEOs and diversity professionals.

You can watch the recording of the event on our website.

Main discussions:

Introductory address and keynote speech:

- EU Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli, highlighted that diversity is our strength and one of the greatest assets in building a sustainable future. She pointed out that diversity at the workplaces remains inadequate, especially in the decision making level. She also stressed the importance of initiatives such as the EU Diversity Month.

- Rosa Monteiro, the Secretary of State for Citizenship and Equality, Portugal underlined that the deep-rooted inequalities and discrimination persist in the society. National public policies against racism and discrimination are vital, as is working together with the discriminated groups. Portugal hopes to approve their first national action plan against racism still this semester. She also emphasised the role of the public administration in promoting diversity in the workplace and supporting the employers.

- Romeo Franz, Co-President of the ARDI Intergroup, European Parliament pointed out the discrimination the Roma people face and called for the Roma community to raise their voices and make their issues heard at the political level.


Interview talk on overcoming challenges of coming from an ethnic minority

- Terence Guiamo, Global Director Inclusion, Diversity & Belonging, Just Eat gave a powerful testimony based on his own personal experience and stressed the importance of using the relevant terms such as discrimination and racism to be able to have meaningful discussion. He also highlighted importance of “stepping into each other’s shoes” to understand the message one can send. He emphasised that we should educate ourselves on the (colonial) history and the impact it has had on society and its members.

During the break the viewers could watch collection of video messages from Diversity Charters and CEOs showing their support for the EU Diversity Month and explaining the importance of promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace.


High-level panel discussion on “United against racism – why does it matter for business?”:

- Gertrud Ingestad, Director-General for Human Resources and Security, European Commission set the scene for the panel discussion by acknowledging that the European Commission as an employer has to continue the work to ensure better diversity of its staff. The recent Commission wide staff survey on diversity and inclusion will provide a good basis for this continuous work.  

- Jonas Gustavsson, CEO and President, AFRY reported on a program created by AFRY to attract engineers from migrant minorities to bring in excellent competent people to their growing company and increase the diversity of staff.

- Madeleine de Cock Buning, Vice President for EMEA Netflix presented how Netflix promotes diversity not only internally towards its employees, but also through their production and by giving support and training to new talents.

- Nadire Redjepi, Operations Director, Director REDI Network underlined the impact of COVID19 on Roma entrepreneurs and Roma community in general that have been strongly affected – especially workers in informal sector who could not receive the necessary support.

- Katerina Andreou, Founder HR Innovate - Founder HR Innovate - HR & Recruitment Professionals pointed out the importance of calling out the employers who are still discriminating against their employees and talked about how her company promotes diversity and raises awareness among their clients as well.

- Prabhu Rajagopal, Consultant Anti-discrimination, Actiris Inclusive explained that they have witnessed that in Brussels people from various disadvantaged social groups have higher risk of discrimination both in the workplace and when looking for work, for example people of African descent, people over 50, women with migrant background, LGBTIQ.

Concluding remarks:

- Géraldine Dufort, Principal Adviser heading the EC Diversity and Inclusion office described the event as an important step to open a discussion with employers for putting ethnic diversity more firmly on companies strategies. She also informed the participants that the launch event was registered under the Conference on Future of Europe and has contributed to the discussion on more diverse Europe.

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