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The deadline of the JUSTICE calls has been extended!

The deadlines to submit project proposals in the framework of the Justice programme have been postponed.

date:  24/04/2021

The changes concern all the calls already published on the Funding & Tenders opportunities Portal, except the call for proposals to support transnational projects to enhance the rights of persons suspected or accused of crime and the rights of victims of crime since the opening of this call is foreseen later (i.e. on 12 May).

Please see below what is changed for each call:

Justice programme – 2021 calls for project proposals 

1. Call for proposals for action grants to promote judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters (JUST-2021-JCOO)

New deadline for submission – 18 May 2021

2.   Call for proposals for action grants to support transnational e-Justice projects (JUST-2021-EJUSTICE)

New deadline for submission – 18 May 2021

3.  Call for proposals for action grants to support transnational projects on judicial training covering civil law, criminal law or fundamental rights (JUST-2021-JTRA)

New deadline for submission – 18 May 2021

4 Call for 4-year Framework Partnership Agreements to support European networks active in the area of facilitating and promoting judicial cooperation in civil and/or criminal matters and/or in the area of access to justice (JUST-2021-JCOO-JACC-OG-FPA)

New deadline for submission – 18 May 2021.

5. Call for proposals for action grants to support transnational projects to enhance the rights of persons suspected or accused of crime and the rights of victims of crime (JUST-2021-JACC) 

Opening date: 12 May 2021 (confirmed)

Deadline for submission – 9 September 2021 (confirmed)





For more details, check these pages on the Funding & tenders portal::

Justice programme

Justice programme – FAQs

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