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The European Child guarantee

Together with the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child, the European Commission adopted a proposal for a Council recommendation on a European Child Guarantee.. While the EU Strategy promotes and protect the rights of all children, the European Child Guarantee aims to break the cycle of poverty and promote equal opportunities by guaranteeing access to a set of key services for children in need (under 18 year old at risk of poverty or social exclusion).

date:  24/03/2021

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Under the European Child Guarantee, it is recommended to Member States to provide free and effective access for children in need to: early childhood education and care – for example, avoid segregated classes; education and school-based activities – for example, adequate equipment for distance learning, and school trips; at least one healthy meal each school day; and  healthcare – for example, facilitating access to medical examinations and health screening programmes. These services should be free of charge and readily available to children in need. The Commission also recommends that Member States provide children in need.

The Commission also recommends that Member States provide children in need with effective access to healthy nutrition and adequate housing: For example, children should receive healthy meals also outside of school days, and homeless children and their families should have access to adequate accommodation.

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