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The European Commission in conversation with the Jewish community of Finland

16 March 2021 - In a conversation with the President of Central Council of Jewish Communities in Finland, Yaron Nadbornik, the European Commission Coordinator on Combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, Katharina von Schnurbein, addressed the question of safety and ways to safeguard Jewish life in Europe.

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Combating antisemitism

date:  16/03/2021

See alsoVideo of the webinar

Mr. Nadbornik shared information about the history of Jews in Finland, the challenges the community is currently facing and the perception of antisemitism in his country. Ms. von Schnurbein presented the overall situation of antisemitism in Europe and the tools at hand put forward by the EU to fight this phenomenon, including specifically vis-à-vis Finland. They furthermore discussed whether the IHRA definition of antisemitism could be a helpful tool in the efforts to combat antisemitism and protect Jewish life in Europe. The event was organised by the European Coalition for Israel and moderated by its Founding Director, Tomas Sandell. 

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