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Give your feedback on how to improve learning materials for children about the EU

The European Commission commissioned a study to look at how to optimise learning materials on the EU for children aged 5 to 18. Its results will help the services developing such materials for children to better adapt to their target audiences’ needs, preferred channels, and specificities such as their location, socio-economic background, any disabilities, learning difficulties, etc.

date:  12/02/2021

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The European Commission commissioned a study to look at how to optimise learning materials on the EU for children aged 5 to 18. Its results will help the services developing such materials for children to better adapt to their target audiences’ needs, preferred channels, and specificities such as their location, socio-economic background, any disabilities, learning difficulties, etc. As professionals in children-related topics, your views on the materials developed so-far for them is precious. Please share your opinion in our online survey, which will run until April.

The inter-institutional Learning Corner website has been up and running since 2019. It offers children, teachers, parents and whoever wants to know more about what the EU is and does in a simple way, a repository of learning materials in all EU official languages. Those materials cover a large range of topics in the form of videos, games, publications, etc. which are adapted to different age-groups.

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