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13th EU-Israel High Level Seminar on combating racism, xenophobia and antisemitism

The European Union and the State of Israel held their 13th High Level Seminar on combating racism, xenophobia and antisemitism online, via videoconference.

date:  10/11/2020


The European Union and the State of Israel held their 13th High Level Seminar on combating racism, xenophobia and antisemitism online, via videoconference.

The EU-Israel seminar is a unique annual forum that brings together European and Israeli civil servants, policymakers, experts, international organisations and non-governmental organisations to discuss best practices and measures to combat racism, xenophobia and antisemitism. The discussion of the 13th EU-Israel Seminar focused on hate speech in the digital sphere and its impact to the real world, as well as possible measures to address the challenges of online hatred.

  • Please read the Joint Statement here

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