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Updates from Sweden

In the beginning of November we had a seminar about Black Live Matter BLM. Three speakers gave us a lot of background on the subject. The story from slavery, inspirers like Rosa Parks, the importance of allyship and much more.

date:  12/01/2021


One of our members told openly and bravely about their journey, how they started on the board and worked their way down in the organization. It is important to remember that changes take time and must cost money.

The third speaker that is black, told us about when he was a teenager and was innocently arrested by the Police Authority and was called a lot of different insults and how deeply it has affected his entire life. He believes in raising and making demands on ourselves, setting actions & consequences. Dare to challenge, what is not ok.

Later on in November we had a seminar about “purchases make a difference to diversity”.

H&M works purposefully to improve working conditions for its suppliers. As a major player, this is done on a global level. They think "every action matters & we are all change makers."

Our member Axfood has the benefit of society in their DNA. Therefore they have high demands on themselves and can thus also make high demands on their suppliers, ie. applies to “cleaning in front of your own door”.

The state-owned company, SVT has used "Reserved procurement for increased employment", ie. bring in consultants from a social company where at least 30% of its employees have difficulty entering the labor market or have a functional variation.

The procurement authority's checklists are relevant regardless of whether you are state or not


- Set requirements that are linked to your own goals.

- What effect the procurement itself should achieve.

- What do you want to promote

- Make a difference in society through your purchases.

The second of December we had our 10th anniversary. We had a small digital party. Thanks a lot for the digital greetings that we got from our European family. We posted all of them in our social media channels.

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