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Master Class series on diversity management in Hungary

40 signatories have joined the Diversity Charter Hungary on 9th December 2020. Among others, Bosch Group decided to renew its commitment to promote diversity in all 5 subsidiaries. 3 new companies joined the Hungarian Charter: LHH Hungary, E.ON Hungary Ltd. and Queritius International Dispute Resolution. True to their traditions the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands, and the Embassy of Mexico in Hungary decided to sign the diversity principles as well.

date:  11/01/2021


Many companies applied for the HBLF Business for Diversity Award in the last year. Finally, TESCO-GLOBAL, Citi Europe Hungary and Praktiker took the honour to stand on the podium with their inclusive and innovative programs. In 2020 Diversity Charter Hungary has introduced another special Award for the fight of COVID-19, which was taken by MOL Group for its community project. Visionary Leadership Award was given to the Ambassador of Mexico, H.E. David Nájera because of his commitment to promoting diversity especially women’s equality and culture.

The HBLF’s Roma program closed a successful year too. From 37 students one was accepted to doctoral studies, four received their university degrees and one finished his high school studies. This program was selected as SAP’s best practice in Hungary.

Diversity Charter Hungary is introducing a new program series in 2021, called diversity Master Classes, where professionals from the member companies host workshops on diversity management, matters and best practices. The language of the online programs will be either Hungarian or English to attract more companies both in Hungary and Europe. The application is still open for great ideas or best practices until the end of February. (Please contact if you are interested in joining as a workshop leader).

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