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Gender Equality Index 2020: Can we wait 60 more years?

The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) has released its annual Gender Equality Index and the EU scores 67.9 out of 100 (100 equals full equality). The EU’s score is a mere half a point improvement on last year and only 4 four points higher than 10 years ago. At this rate, the EU is still 60 years away from full equality between women and men.

date:  30/10/2020


Among the Member States, Sweden, Denmark and France keep their top spots. The awards for most improved go to Italy, Luxembourg and Malta, with each gaining around 10 points since 2010. Greece, Hungary and Romania are lagging behind the rest.

This year’s Index focussed on digitalisation and found that online platform work is reproducing traditional gender inequalities, such as the gender pay gap and gender segregation. For example, men are more likely to work in software development or food delivery, whereas women work more in online translation or domestic services.

Find out more: Read the Gender Equality Index 2020


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