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Welcome to Bulgarian and Cypriot Diversity Charters!

Bulgarian and Cypriot Diversity Charters became 25th and 26th in Europe to join the EU Platform of Diversity Charters. Just one more to go!

date:  29/10/2020


We are delighted to announce, that in September we welcomed two new Charters into our EU Platform of Diversity Charters - the Bulgarian Diversity Charter on 18 September and the Cypriot Diversity Charter on 25 September 2020.

It is a great achievement that in spite of the pandemic, these Charters were not only successfully launched, but they already attracted attention of many new signatories. A sign, that diversity still is and should remain on the priority list of companies.

You can read more information about these two new Charters and thei launch events in the News from the Diversity Charters section of our Newsletter. 

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