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Updates from Diversity Charter Sweden

This year has of course been very different due to the Corona pandemic, as for everyone else but we are happy to say that we have been able to complete almost all of our events. The biggest difference is that the events have been digital. The positive side of that is that we have been able to include people who don't live in Stockholm or Gothenburg where we normally have our events.

date:  28/10/2020


Signatory Event that we normally conduct in March was postponed to September. It turned out as a real success. We were twice as many as last year, and about 150 attended the event.

We were also worried it would be more difficult to recruit new members, but we are happy to say that we have fifteen new members since last year. The previous year we only had ten new members. The new members are very engaged and active, and they want to participate in almost all events. There is a big hunger for knowledge.

Earlier this month we started Peer Reviews where we have two to three employees from twelve of our member companies divided into three groups. The groups will meet digitally four times during the coming six months to share issues and thoughts, and the others participating will have a chance to give input and share their experiences.

Hiring Diversity Charter Sweden’s first secretary general last November has given us the possibility to focus much more on recruiting new members and that we have the possibility to be more active on social media. Facebook increased 50% and LinkedIn 150% during the last six months, and we have also just started at Instagram & Youtube. Up till now we have grown organically in social media, our next step is to become more distinct.

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