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Tour de France de la diversité

The French Diversity Charter has launched the 8th “Tour de France de la diversité” on October 12th at Toulouse City hall. The Tour de France’s ambition is to promote diversity and inclusion across the country, and to meet our signatories and the players of local initiatives.

date:  26/10/2020


As we count more than 4,100 signatories, it is important to ensure that their voices are heard. We have so much to learn from each other; the Tour de France de la diversité is meant to go and meet as many organisations as we can, to find news ideas and solutions and inspire one another.

As we are barely beginning to grasp the consequences of the Covd-19 crisis, the focus of the Tour will be put on the access to employment. To explore this theme and inspire our signatories, the French Diversity Charter is organising a series of events: rounds tables, conferences, coaching sessions, job forums… all over the country. Whether it be on job diversity, the inclusion of LGBT+ workers, challenging stereotypes, or the employment of disabled workers, we will put forth and discuss good practices and set new examples for everyone. To account for sanitary restrictions, some events will be held online. We hope to make the best of it and reach even more people interested in the promotion of D&I!

The launch was a success: it gathered more than 60 people around a round table on the topic of “Challenging representations and stereotypes to facilitate the access to employment” and good practices in the workplace.

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