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Covid-19: measures taken to support funded projects

Your project officers are always there to support and advice you during the implementation of your projects. Due to Covid-19, some additional measures have been taken to address the unforeseen problems arisen in this difficult period.

date:  20/07/2020

Dear beneficiaries,

These past months have been difficult for all of us. Covid-19 has changed our daily routines, kept us separated from our families and put our lives on hold by leaving us with many uncertainties and worries about the future and the health of our loved ones. Our thoughts go, in particular, to those of you whose lives have been heavily affected by the Covid.

We would like to thank you all for the great effort and dedication shown in trying to carry on your projects, adapt them to new timelines and way of working and also for having shared with us your worries and ideas for a new start.




On our side, we also tried our best to support you during this difficult period. Here below you will find how we replied, in general, to your most common queries. Our approach has been to apply as much as possible flexibility regarding deadlines, extensions and revisions of activities, which also lead to amend several grant agreements.

Our main goal remains to reassure and support you in finding solutions to problems you have been facing.

Given that each project has its own specificities, a “one-fit-all” reply does not exist and you would always need to discuss with your Project Officer, should you have any specific issue.


In case of need and doubts, please consult and keep always updated your Project Officer in order to find the best solution for your project.

More information concerning the impact of the Covid-19 on the 2020 calls for proposals will be provided in the next newsletter since the evaluations are still on going.

Take care and stay safe,

The Grants management team

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