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DG JUST funding website

Discover the new DG JUST funding website!

date:  14/07/2020

Dear readers,

We are very happy to inform you that we have now a new website completely devoted to DG JUST funding.

This webpage is the entry and info point on DG JUST funding programmes and, therefore, it offers an easy and direct access to all DG JUST funding opportunities available also on the Funding & tenders portal.

The webpage is structured in four sections:

1- Funding Programmes: this section provides direct access to open calls per each specific DG JUST funding programme;

2 - Funding areas: this section shows you which main topics/policy areas are financed thanks to DG JUST’s financial support;

3- Funded projects: in this section you have the possibility to check projects funded in previous years, including project abstracts, listed per call;

4 - Social Media & Newsletter: finally, here you can find all news related to DG funding provided through different tools like this newsletter (you will have also access to the previous items) and DG JUST social media.

We will update this website regularly and, therefore, your feedback is very much appreciated to improve it and turn it into a useful tool at your disposal. You can let us know your opinion by writing to this email:

Please help us also to inform other organisations and potential stakeholders about this new website.

We really care about making DG JUST funding opportunities more visible and accessible to everyone.

Thank you so much for your support!

JUST funding team

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