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We continue betting on the Diversity and Inclusion agenda

ARTICLES, PODCASTS AND WEBINAR CICLE OF DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION DURING CORONAVIRUS CRISIS - Fundación para la Diversidad wants, more than ever, to continue betting on the Diversity and Inclusion agenda. Equal opportunities and non-discrimination are fundamental principles to protect the dignity of people and more in these moments of crisis.

date:  09/07/2020


That is why on March 24 we launched a D&I Webinar Cycle through the Zoom platform. The idea is to continue learning and exchanging experiences and good practices in this area, during this Covid-19 crisis.

The list of webinars and access to videos (Spanish only):

·         How to feminize organizations with Mercé Brey, General Director at BLUE (video)

·         Talent and Diversity with María Gutiérrez, CEO at HIWOOK (video)

·         Inclusion of people with autism in work life with Francesc Sistach, General Director at Specialisterne (video)

·         Unconscious Bias with Helena Valderas, Head of Engagement and Diversity at Ferrovial and Sergio Jiménez, CEO at AIWIN (video)

·         Cultural Diversity in Organizations with Coral Castellanos, responsible for the Incorpora project at the "La Merced Migraciones" Foundation (video)

·         Generational Diversity. After confinement, wisdom and talent with Enrique Arce, Director of Solutions for Diversity, Conciliation and Equality in Compensa and patron of the Foundation Diversidad (video)

·         Corporate Social Responsibility and HIV with the participation of Raquel Sebastián of the NGO Trabajando en Positivo, Aroa Maldonado, Support Unit Coordinator of Grupo SIFU and Eulalia Devesa, ISS Director of Corporate Social Responsibility (video)

·         Diverse leaders, 3 experiences of Executive Coaching with Sonsoles Morales, Leadership specialist, global teams and diversity (video)


Articles for the press:

In order to keep the topic of Diversity and Inclusion on the agenda, we also contributed to reflection during the COVID19 crisis with a series of articles for the press (Spanish only):

·         Gender mainstreaming: the great forgotten of the Covid-19 by Reyes Bellver, patron at Fundación Diversidad (article)

·         Some reflections on Covid19 by Sonia Rio, General Director at Fundación Diversidad (article)

·         Inclusion, equality and diversity for the change we are experiencing by Maravillas Rojo, patron at Fundación Diversidad (article)

·         Alliances, cooperation and diversity, essential in times of coronavirus by Xavier López, patron at Fundación Diversidad (article)


Podcast (Spanish only):

We have launched two podcasts that have been carried out by the patrons of the foundation where different topics have been addressed, such as: Does diversity improve innovation? How will post-crisis working life be transformed? How do we recover from the COVID19 crisis betting on the values and principles of diversity and inclusion? What types of leadership do we need to overcome the crisis? Which groups are the most vulnerable in these moments of crisis?

·         Inclusion and diversity in times of coronavirus: How to continue keeping it on the agendas of companies? (podcast)

·         Diversity and inclusion (podcast)



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