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APPDI 2020 Strategy & Diversity month campaign

APPDI presented its 2020 strategy at the plenary held in February and celebrated Diversity Month with their signatories.

date:  08/07/2020


Based on the auscultation of working groups and advisory council, APPDI's board presents the strategic lines with 3 axes addressed the community and 3 to the organizations. In each axis, there is a working group (WG) for its operationalization, so this year, there are taking place 8 WG, 2 of them are transversal (communication and events).
• Be a D&I reference – Scientific Knowledge WG- Making available studies and reports at national and European level (produce an online library) and measuring the impact of the Charter 
• Preparing for the future - Education WG - Raise awareness and training sessions about D&I by implementing programmes in schools;

- Women Engineers for a Day Project Coordination - Combat gender stereotypes and the subsequent sexual segregation in the profissional choices, in particular, the absence of women in the engineering and technologies areas in schools (Initiative of the Secretary of State for Citizenship and Equality)

• Integrating into the labour market - Employability WG - Support signatory organizations in the recruitment and integration process of vulnerable publics in the workplace (people with disabilities, migrants, etc.) 
• Following legislation - Legal Observatory WG - Explore the theme of D&I in labour legislation - make legislative updates and inform their organisational impacts 
• Contributing to society - Social Responsibility WG - Promote the sharing of practices at national and European level, considering D&I as corporate social responsibility
• Share best practices - Organizational Development WG - Promote implementation of a D&I policy through training, sharing practices and using the Diversity Toolkit created by the Portuguese Diversity Charter.
Portuguese Diversity Charter and the European Diversity Month
May was an excited month! Considering the goal of this month, we prepared a set of activities with the support of the signatory organizations. Due to the pandemic restrictions, our activities were essentially a digital communication campaign on the networks and thematic webinars.

The campaign included information about the diversity charter and its principles, the benefits of diversity at the workplace and we share a video with testimonies from signatory organizations.  

We organized the following webinars: “About Age - Inclusive Management of Older Workers”, “Work at home: Current Work Model - And in the future?”, "The Unconscious Bias Workshop for Recruiters & HR Professionals" in partnership with Natixis Portugal and the education working group we promoted in partnership with Animar, the webinar intitled “The Importance of Diversity in Organizations - The Portuguese Diversity Charter Contribution”.

Some of the digital materials, such as curiosities about various diversity themes, crossword puzzles and a list of videos, music’s and children's books with exploratory tips for family/school, were produced by the education working group between 21st (World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development) and May 28. Also in this group, in partnership with EDP, we did pilot sessions in schools based on Google sessions “I am Remarkable”. The Employability Working Group produced an Inclusive Recruitment Guide, including tips and sharing practices from various organizations. What a month!!!  

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