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Webinar series: Digital Citizenship Breakfast Bytes – 11th-20th May

The onset of the global COVID-19 pandemic has plunged all of us, families, children, workers, consumers, into the digital age with imposed and recommended lockdowns, meaning that digital tools are slowly but surely becoming the norm for schooling, working, socialising, gaming, staying connected with family members. This makes digital citizenship and critical thinking ever more urgent. From 11th-20th May, enjoy a cup of tea/coffee accompanied by a Breakfast Byte of digital citizenship. Each “byte” is a short 90-minute online session (from 9.30-11.00 Brussels time) aiming to increase the understanding of the digital world.

date:  11/05/2020

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Outline of the Programme

Breakfast Byte 1

Monday, 11th May from 9:30 – 11:00:
Digital citizenship – myth or reality?
By COFACE Families Europe and the ICT Industry coalition.

Breakfast Byte 2

Tuesday, 12th May from 9:30 – 11:00:
Video games and civic engagement – state of play
By FOr’J – Fédération de maisons de jeunes et organisation de jeunesse, Belgium

Breakfast Byte 3

Wednesday, 13th May from 9:30 – 11:00:
European Safer Internet Strategy post-2020: key trends and priorities
By the European Commission (DG CNECT) & Better Internet for Kids

Breakfast Byte  4

Thursday, 14th May from 9:30 – 11:00:
Using ICT skills to transfer human values in schools
By eTwinning

Breakfast Byte  5

Friday, 15th May from 9:30 – 11:00:
SELMA Hacking Hate toolkit: Games to empower young people online
By European Schoolnet

Breakfast Byte 6

Monday, 18th May from 9:30 – 11:00:
Key steps to creating a bully-free zone offline and online.
By Parents Association Step by Step, Croati

Breakfast Byte 7

Tuesday, 19th May from 9:30 – 11:00:
Critical thinking about the predominant online business model: advertising
By COFACE Families Europe

Breakfast Byte 8 

Wednesday, 20th May from 9:30 – 11:00
Are youth all natural digital citizens?
By BIK Youth Ambassadors

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