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Newsletter on rights of the child No 3/2020

Welcome to the third 2020 edition of the newsletter on the rights of the child. The shadow of coronavirus is still hoovering across the world, while many countries take the first steps towards de-confinement. We know more about the virus and more about the consequences the confinement and other measures have on children and their rights. Read more about this below. In this edition we also want share with you information on some concrete initiatives from the Commission to help children and their parents or carers go through these difficult times. We have seen some good examples of heads of states addressing children in their statements and communication, and there are more and more suggestions coming on how to make the situation better for children and how to support parents. You will find some links to child-friendly materials below. We hope that you, your friends and families are in good health.

date:  15/05/2020

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