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Targeted consultations in view of the upcoming EU Charter Strategy

The Commission launches targeted consultations in view of its upcoming strategy on the effective application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

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Fundamental rights

date:  08/04/2020


The 20th anniversary of the proclamation of the Charter and the 10th anniversary of it becoming an instrument of EU primary law is a timely moment to review the 2010 strategy for the effective implementation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

A key question will be how to further support the different actors in the EU Charter’s enforcement chain in making the Charter a reality for all. The conference “Making the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights a reality for all” of 12 November 2019 led to a number of outcomes that provide a good basis for further consultations.

In order to inform its work on the new strategy, the Commission recently launched four surveys targeting key stakeholders: civil society and rights defenders; national human rights institutions, equality bodies and ombuds institutionsjudges, other justice practitioners and training institutions; and local and regional authorities.

The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights assisted the Commission in the preparation of the surveys and will analyse their results for the Commission.

The consultations of civil society and rights defenders; national human rights institutions, equality bodies and ombuds institutions; and judges, other justice practitioners and training institutions will end on 12 May at 12:00.

The consultation of local and regional authorities will end on 15 May at 12:00.

The adoption of the strategy is planned in the second half of 2020.

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