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Good practice-Toy for inclusion

TOY for Inclusion is the gateway to education and care for many children of disadvantaged communities. The project has created eight Play Hubs for young children (0-8), that are toy libraries and spaces for parents and children to play together. They also offer a range of services to families, e.g. workshops on parenting. The project was co-funded by the European Commission-DG Justice ‘Rights Equality and Citizenship programme’ and the Open Society Foundations.

date:  25/03/2020

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Over the two years (2017-2018), the project TOY for Inclusion piloted an innovative approach to inclusive non-formal early childhood education and care in seven EU Members States:  Belgium, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Slovakia and Slovenia.

This approach, which is proving effective, improves the transition experience of Roma children to schools by offering an innovative response to discrimination of Roma communities by creating community based Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) initiatives in the form of Play Hubs (resource and meeting centres) and through connecting existing services and actors and providing new learning and play opportunities for young children. In the TOY for Inclusion approach, relationships between Roma and non-Roma young children and their families are built and interactions in safe play spaces across all generations are supported.

Main outputs are:

• 14 ECEC non-formal ECEC initiatives /Play Hubs in 7 countries, documented through blogposts, video, reports

• 14 active cross-sectoral networks of professionals in inclusive ECEC operating at a local level

• An impact evaluation report and recommendations

• A set of products for the advocacy campaign: story post cards; pop museum; multi-lingual infographic, website with data base of resources; two international events and three events per country.   

Toy for Inclusion phase 2 started in January 2019 and will last until January 2021. 


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