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MOOC (massive open online course) on European family law

The Council of the Notariats of the EU, which is coordinating the 2018-20 training programme ‘Europe for Notaries - Notaries for Europe’ (co-funded by the Justice Programme), has shared its first MOOC (massive open online course) with us on European family law.

date:  14/01/2020

Covering the application of EU legislation on matrimonial property regimes and registered partnerships (Regulations 2016/1103 and 2016/1104), the 2018-20 training programme Europe for Notaries - Notaries for Europe’ is aimed at legal practitioners wanting to:

  • explore the subject in greater depth (articles written by notaries and academics)
  • better understand the Council’s training activities
  • discover the various practical tools available.

The findings are set out in a publication, available:

The project supports the objectives of EU judicial training, in line with the Commission policy paper ‘Building trust in EU-wide justice. A new dimension to European judicial training’.

It aims to help civil law notaries correctly apply new EU legislation on matrimonial property regimes and registered partnerships, and Directive 2015/849 which addresses money laundering.

The project, in partnership with national notary bodies, will organise 21 seminars in 14 EU countries. 12 of them will focus on family law and 9 on money laundering.

More information concerning the project and its seminars are available here.


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