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Report from the EU Platform of Diversity Charters' seminar "LGBTI inclusive workplaces"

The European Commission in cooperation with the Austrian Diversity Charter and East meets West Business organised the latest of the EU Platform of Diversity Charters’ seminars “LGBTI inclusive workplaces” on 25 October 2019 in Vienna, Austria.

date:  25/11/2019

Through equality legislation, European Commissions’ List of Action to advance LGBTI equality, the work of voluntary initiative network of the EU Platform of Diversity Charters and other initiatives in Europe and in the World, progress has been made in equality of LGBTI people. However, lot of challenges remain for LGBTI people to gain access to and feel included in the workplace.


The seminar brought together private and public organisations, NGOs, equality experts and diversity charters to share positive initiatives and practices between the participants and learn from each other, how to create more inclusive workplaces. To learn more on discussions from the day, please see the report below.


"LGBTI inclusive workplaces" s...
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