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Biennal survey on signatories

Every 2 year the French Diversity Charter conducts a survey to the signatories.

date:  25/11/2019

Contact:  French Diversity Charter

This barometer which is the only obligation for signatories is an opportunity for us:

  • to collect information on the understanding of diversity by our signatories, the topics they address
  • to compare results of Charter signatories with other questionnaires among employees
  • to get a better understanding of signatories needs’ fort progress on D&I

The restitution event which usually attracts the interest of Medias will take place at the main patronal organization headquarters December 12th.

The publication of a gender pay gap index becomes gradually compulsory for French companies above 50 employees. It has been fiercely debated previously as companies were not eager to measure and publish the 5 indicators of the index. Measuring diversity or potential discrimination, either by statistics or perception surveys remains a challenge in France. The Charter has thus decided to introduce questions on deliverables on way to asses them to address this question. During the restitution event a round table discussion with companies for business cases and representatives of the French Rights Defenders to give guidelines on what the French legislation allows and not should will contribute to raise awareness on the subject.

The main results of our 2019 survey:

  • A much broader understanding of diversity (compared to 2017) with signatories working on all diversity criteria; no criteria is now <10% of attention
  • The Top 5 criteria signatories pay attention to and implement actions are
    • Foreign origin
    • Disability
    • Age (>26 or >50)
    • Gender gap
    • Social background
  • Physical appearance and reduced autonomy are the criteria which progressed the most since 2017; even if mentioned only by 30% of signatories
  • Signatories who uses intern statistics and surveys declare them useful but less than 10% have implemented perception surveys
  • 2/3 of signatories inform their employees when they sign the Charter and post the Charter on the wall of their offices
  • 50% of signatories put the Charter logo on external documents and nearly 30% promote diversity and encourage stakeholders to be actors of D&I.

The results and slides of the restitution event will be posted on our website on December 12th.

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