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Special Eurobarometer released on discrimination and social acceptance in the European Union

On 23 October, the European Commission published the latest Eurobarometer survey on discrimination in Europe.

date:  25/11/2019

It provides detailed data from Member States on the social acceptance of different groups of people in Europe. The survey covers discrimination on the grounds of gender, age, race or ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion or belief, and disability. It also looks at the issue from different perspectives, such as what people think about discrimination (how widespread it is for instance), and how comfortable they feel with the various groups covered in various situations - in the workplace, in politics and closer to home.

Compared to the last survey done in 2015, the results show some overall improvements for all groups at risk of discrimination, but it is also clear that a lot remains to be done. See how your country is doing in the full report and from the individual country sheets here.

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