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1st Annual Conference of the Lithuanian Diversity Charter

International Conference ‘TAKING BEST OUT OF DIVERSITY’ took place on 19 09 2019 and was designed to share successful approaches and strategies, promote culture of respect and inclusion, sharpen professional networking and create opportunities for the implementation of the best practices to use the full potential of Diversity and Inclusion on organization’s bottom line.

date:  25/11/2019

Contact:  Lithuanian Diversity Charter

”Main focus is to put the message on the table for all of us, that we should look from the lens of non-selective approach toward diversity” Karolis Žibas, one of the organizers, said at the opening speech.

More than 120 participants from private and public sectors we welcomed by Vice-Minister of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, Head of European Commission Representation in Lithuania and Mayor of Vilnius.

3 key-notes from remarkable speakers nailed down the Conference. Michael Stuber, Owner Manager, European Diversity Research & Consulting (Germany) elaborated how and why business should move diversity to the centre of organization’s growth strategy and have diversity policies as an integral part of business development / corporate social responsibility. Viktorija Vasiliauskaitė, Lithuanian City of London Club –Honorary Member (United Kingdom) inter alia shared her personal story what does it take to break through the glass ceiling and Kaspars Zālītis, Founder of the Latvian Diversity Charter, Strategic Consultant at Deep White (Latvia) emphasized how to embrace the concept of Diversity and how to create your workplace where everyone belongs.

3 Panels hosted by DC partners and members opened the floor for practices. Core question at Panel 1 was: can public and private partnerships complement each other in developing diversity management? Panel 2 focused on diversity and supply chain, while Panel 3 tried to answer to the question, how diversity and inclusion policies are reflecting intersectionality.

Positive impact on society through diverse supply chain was the theme of ‘Networking & Contact Evening’,.where participants met the social entrepreneurs - the creators of the added value products. Social businesses of different society groups introduced their products and services which can help businesses to embed diversity into their core operations.

For conclusion quote from Lina Žemaitytė-Kirkman, Head of Career Center, Swedbank Lithuania: “It created a community. A community where you’re not alone with your thoughts, the community where you can share experience, where you can learn from each other, inspire each other and also encourage each other”.


For more information follow #diversityLT_2019 on Facebook /diversityLT

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