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“Diversity Pulse” events connecting Slovenian diversity signatories

119 Slovenian diversity signatories connects through new event format, so-called “Diversity Pulse”. It represents time and space where signatories of diversity charter have the opportunity to exchange good practices, network with like-minded people, make suggestions for activities within the Diversity Charter, express their current needs, co-create support tools, programs, etc. Diversity Pulse is a source of ideas, needs and energy for the joint activities of Slovenian Diversity Charter.

date:  25/11/2019

Contact:  Slovenian Diversity Charter

3 events happened and the topics where:

-        April 2019, Implementation Check List for diversity management - presentation of the toolkit

-        May 2019, Diversity Action Plan - how to begin?

-        November 2019, Advantages and pitfalls of marketing diversity communication


A short tour through Croatia and Slovenia, with the help of Sweden Diversity Charter and European Diversity Platform was organised.

President of Sweden Diversity Charter Mrs. Gabriella Wiiala and her colleague Mrs. Emira Ramić stopped in Ljubljana for a presentation “If you can see it, you can be it”. Together with Neža Kogovšek from Equality body, they presented advantages and pitfalls of diversity marketing communication. The event was organized in the partnership with Slovene Advertising Chamber


On the 10th of December 2019, on International Human Rights Day, in the partnership with Netherland Embassy in Slovenia, new signing ceremony with round table of best diversity and inclusion practices of  Slovenian diversity signatory companies will be organized. We look forward to welcome many new signatory companies including some from Netherland.

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