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5th edition of the 'Statement of Good Practice'

The Statement of Good Practice aims to provide a clear overview of the principles, policies and practices required to implement measures that will ensure the promotion and protection of the rights of separated children in Europe. The revised Statement of Good Practice is endorsed by UNHCR, UNICEF, Save the Children, ECRE, and ECPAT International. Since 2013, SCEP is coordinated by Defence for Children the Netherlands.

date:  23/05/2019

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For many separated children, the journey to Europe is often long, extremely dangerous and fraught with hardship. When arriving in Europe the journey and unsafe situation often does not end. At the heart of the Statement of Good Practice is SCEP's desire to see the rights of separated children in Europe fully realised.

European child's rights helpdesk
Many refugee and migrant children still face difficulties in pursuing remedies for breaches of their rights. For this reason, Defence for Children the Netherlands has the ambition to set up child's rights helpdesks in Europe and to create a European platform for professionals providing individual legal aid to children on the move, including separated children.

 "The 5th edition of the SCEP Statement of Good Practice will be an important document for legal professionals and practitioners in the field when providing legal aid to children on the move. Also, it can serve as a great source of inspiration when advocating for the realisation of the rights of all separated children entering or travelling across Europe will be realised.


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