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OPEN FOR SUBMISSIONS- database on promising practices on the protection of children in migration

The European Commission launched a tool to collect and disseminate promising practices on the protection of children in migration. Click on more to read about the database.

date:  09/09/2019

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There is a wealth of knowledge and promising practice in the Member States on the protection of children in migration, which needs to be shared at local, national and European level. This has been stated on multiple occasions at the 10th European Forum on the rights of the child on the protection of children in migration in November 2016 and in the 12 April 2017 Commission Communication on the protection of children in migration.

The Commission committed to collect and disseminate promising practices on the protection of children in migration via an online tool in the form of a publicly searchable database.

WHAT is it?

The tool “The protection of children in migration – promising practices” was created to collect and share existing knowledge. It should help to achieve the broad objective of better protecting children in migration, by contributing to disseminate knowledge and expertise.

WHY to use it?

The database is a platform for practitioners who want to promote their projects and/or check what has been done in certain thematic areas in the EU MS. It provides a good opportunity for organisations to engage and exchange their practices and experience.

The public interface enables all users to browse the practices in a user friendly way. Different filters are available (such as type of organisation, type of activity or the target group of children in migration) which allow the user to browse the database in the most efficient way.

WHO can use it?

Each organisation or citizen who decides to add the practice in the database. They will be asked to share their contact details, which will be visible to the general public. This allows representatives of organisations and citizens to directly contact each other to further engage, spread and potentially develop the promising practice. Sharing of a promising practice means to continue the dialogue and interaction among stakeholders.

The more people who work together, shoulder to shoulder, the better children in migration can be protected!

WHERE to access it?

The database is ready for you to submit your practices. It is hosted and integrated into the European Commission website

Please follow this link to access the tool, browse the database and/or submit your entries. 

HOW to get started?

Check the step-by-step user's guide.

It includes a description of the steps to follow to gain access to the tool and contribute to the database.

Once the practice information is complete in the form, you will be asked to accept the terms of use and to submit the promising practice for validation. After a light validation process and reading checks by the Commission's team to ensure relevance for the protection of children in migration, the information submitted will be made publicly available on the web-page. The Commission reserves the right to not validate or remove any entry which is not pertinent to the topic, or which clearly contravenes the rights of the child.

Before submitting the practice, please read the privacy statement

If you have any question, please contact

Your support and efforts in using the tool – to record promising practices and to further consult and disseminate the contents - will be greatly appreciated!

EC Rights of the child team

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