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Together and proud: EU Institutions in force at EuroPride

On 15 June, the EuroPride Parade took place in Vienna, and the EU institutions were there in force, along with Commissionner Věra Jourová. The event attracted more than half a million participants from all over Europe.

date:  27/06/2019

An EU truck, bearing the colours of the EU along with the Rainbow flag, was also present to show the Commission's commitment to combat discrimination, prejudice and hate against LGBTI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex) people. Staff from the EU Institutions as well as from civil society organisations took part in the celebrations and joined the EU Truck. It was the second time that the Commission participated in a EuroPride parade. The first time was in Amsterdam in August 2016.

Commissioner Věra Jourová tweeted on the day of the parade:

"Proud to be participating in EuroPride2019. We must continue to raise awareness of the discrimination, obstacles and injustice LGBTI people face every day. We need to make people understand that unfortunately, our societies are not yet as equal as we think and as we claim."

After meeting the Austrian Federal President, Alexander Van Der Bellen, she sent a strong message in her speech to participants: "The European Commission will always stand for equality, diversity and respect and will keep fighting to achieve it."

To combat discrimination against LGBTI people in the EU, the Commission has put forward a set of measures under the 'List of actions to advance LGBTI equality'. The annual report covering 2018 on the implementation of the List of actions was published on 19 March this year. According to a survey by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, 47% of LGBT people feel discriminated against or harassed because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. According to the Eurobarometer on Discrimination 2015, 58% of EU citizens consider that discrimination based on a person's sexual orientation or gender identity is widespread.

Participating in this event is part of a wider campaign aiming at increasing the social acceptance of LGBTI across EU.

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