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Austrian Diversity Charter' events with and for signatories

At this time the Austrian Charta, officially count 237 signatories and some interested companies. We plan to continue with our strategy to invite and involve our members to our existing events and projects.

date:  27/06/2019

Contact:  Austrian Diversity Charter

In April 2019, we started new offers for Premium-Signatories (Events like guided tours or workshops within the diversity context). The Austrian Charta-Partnership between the Vienna Chamber of Commerce and the Austrian Chamber will be continued. The Viennese Chamber as a service institution is responsible for the signatories the Austrian chamber is covering political interests.


2019 we created new series events called “Charta-Business-Breakfast”, where our signatories can present their diversity-activities and network with each other. We´ve held our second Charta Business Breakfast together with our signatory “Accenture GmbH” on May 15 th. The Theme of this Business Breakfast: Support of women in jobs with MINT-Background”:


Since a long time on 3 th our first Charta-Premium-Event took place within the interactive exhibition “HandsUp – Immerse into the World of the deaf”. Our Premium-Signatories were impressed and inspired, how and with which instruments deaf people master their everyday life with such a matter of course:


Last but not least news about LGBTIQ*: Our LGBTIQ*-Confidant of The Viennese Chamber of Commerce is primarily involved in the activities of the LGBTIQ*-Advisory Board. The “regular’s table” is going on and will be going to be a Rainbowgroup in future. Some of our Charta-members were involved in a panel discussion in our event “the pink economic factor”, which had it´s main focus on the benefits of supporting the LGBTIQ*-Community in the tourism sector. During the Euorpride 2019 the chamber covered the entrance area like the years before with rainbow flags.

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