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The second edition of the Women Engineers for one Day Project

At the end of the 2018/2019 school year, the second edition of the Women Engineers for one Day Project (Projeto Engenheiras por Um Dia) was also completed, with the participation of 3334 young people, divided into four different activities: study visits to universities and companies, celebration of the Girls in ICT Day and the closing ceremony of the 2nd edition of the project (which took place in Guimarães and Lisbon).

date:  26/06/2019

Contact:  Diversity Charter Portugal


With the main purpose of promoting the engineering and technology areas for young people attending the secondary education and further education, the project mobilized universities and women engineers as role models, bringing to schools and to young people practical challenges in engineering and technologies. In face of gender inequalities based on job segregation this project aims at increasing future representation of women in engineering and ICT jobs, promoting gender equality in employment. This project is promoted by the Secretary of State for Citizenship and Equality and has the technical coordination of the Portuguese Diversity Charter and with the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality.

In this second edition, we counted with more partners: from 10 schools, we went to a total of 27, more than 27 participating companies and partners, 11 universities and several municipalities across the country. At the closing ceremony of the project, there were 97 laboratories with practical examples from various areas of engineering and technology.

We expect a 3rd edition with an even bigger and more crowded expression!

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