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Italy: Inclusive Mindset Job Day

The Inclusive Mindset project aims to offer job opportunities to people who can hardly access to the job market, like disabled people, migrants…

date:  26/06/2019

Contact:  Italian Diversity Charter

One of the objectives is encouraging the creation of the right conditions to strengthen the dialogue between companies and candidates and one of the proposed activities is a Career Forum.

On May 13, the Inclusive Mindset Job Day took place in Milan, in partnership with the Municipality of Milan, Fondazione Adecco per le Pari Opportunità and Parks. The event was opened to people with disabilities, people of foreign origin and LGBT. These groups of society typically face major difficulties in labor market integration.

During the event individual meetings were organized between more than 100 candidates and HR professionals from 4 companies (Discovery Channel, Dolce&Gabbana, Mapei, NTT Data).

On May 24th we organized another Job Day in Rome, in partnership with Porta Futuro (Città Metropolitana di Roma) with 7 companies (Accenture, Acea, Apple, Ferrovie Dello Stato, NTT Data, Percassi and Philip Morris Italia) and more than 100 candidates.

In order to help the candidates succeed in the job market, during the afternoon Inclusive Mindset and Linkedin have organized a workshop “Personal branding and job search” where, supported by the most important experts in this field, the attendees will get to know the basics of personal branding, plus tricks to leverage social media in their job search.

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