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2019 Annual Work Programmes for Union actions of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund adopted

The Annual Work Programmes (AWP) for 2019 for Union actions of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) was adopted on 10 May 2019.

date:  10/05/2019

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Topic 6 addresses the protection of children in migration and more specifically alternative care systems and alternatives to detention. Activities to be funded include exchange of good practices and/or capacity-building and/or logistic support for the implementation, expansion and improvement of alternative care systems for migrant children (such as foster care, family based care and/or supervised independent living); effective alternatives to detention (such as regular reporting to the authorities by the appointed representative/family-based care/foster carers, the deposit of a financial guarantee, or an obligation to stay at an assigned place, as laid down in national law); and projects aimed to facilitate the integration of migrant children in the host communities. 

To know more about AMIF, please check: 

The call once open will be published here



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