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Campaign ‘Every child has its voice’

17 May 2019 was the Child Helpline Day. To mark it, Child Helpline International has initiated a campaign on especially vulnerable groups of children: children on the move, children with disabilities, and LGBTQI+ children and youth.

date:  17/05/2019

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The campaign “Every child has its voice” had the aim to showcase stories about child helplines’ work and raise awareness on the situation faced by children and young people they encounter. The stories were shared on the Child Helpline International website and Facebook page throughout the day and are still available on the website. 

You can support their efforts by sharing these stories across your own networks and channels. Please also include some or all of the following hashtags in any social media posts that you produce: #EveryChildHasAVoice, #WeListen, #ICHD2019: this will allow to track the stories and facilitate sharing them around our communities.

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