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Education in emergencies fundings and #Raiseyourpencil campaign

DG ECHO has announced a funding target of €164 million, which means that 10% of the humanitarian aid budget will be spent on education in emergencies.

date:  01/05/2019

#RaiseYourPencil is a social media awareness raising campaign launched to support that all children in emergencies should have access to school:


Thanks to EU funding, over 6.5 million girls, boys and teachers in 55 crisis-affected countries have benefited from better access to quality education and training since 2015.


You can spread the message of the #RaiseYourPencil campaing following these steps:

  • take a creative photo with a pencil
  • share it on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter with the hashtag #RaiseYourPencil
  • tag @EU_ECHO


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