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Launch of the Lithuanian Diversity Charter

To contribute to ensuring equality and social inclusion at the workplace and in the society, Diversity Development Group and SOPA launched the Lithuanian Diversity Charter on 3rd of October 2018.

date:  09/04/2019


By launching the Charter, Lithuania became the European Union’s 22nd country to acede to the Diversity Charter platform. Almost 30 organisations have singed the Charter.

The conference “Diversity as Economic, Social and Cultural Potential” followed the official launch of the Charter after the press conference and official signing procedure. During the conference, topics, such as discrimination in Lithuanian labour market and advantages of diversity were discussed. The opening remarks were given by Mariano Andrade Gonzalez, Head of Barclays Global Operations Lithuania. Then keynote presentations by Wendy Papworth from Barclays UK, Zuzana Dorazilova from European Commition and Karolis Žibas from Diversity Development Group followed. Finally, best practises to foster diversity were presented by 9 well known companies in Lithuania.

In total almost 100 participants attended the event, representing private, public and non-government sectors.

For more information, please visit Lithuanian Diversity Charter’s website

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