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3rd edition of the « Diversity & Business Lëtzebuerg » Barometer

On 11 December 2018, IMS Luxembourg presented its third edition of the "Diversity and Business Lëtzebuerg" barometer during a press conference in presence of Laure Amoyel, Head of OLAI's Integration and Diversity Division and Nicolas Poussing, Researcher at LISER.

date:  09/04/2019


The necessary data to publish the barometer are collected every two years, and analyse the practices put in place by 138 signatory organizations. The particularity of the 2018 barometer is that it makes it possible to identify, for the first time, the differences between the organizations that signed the Charter before 2015 and those that signed it after 2015. Globally, 64% of the signatories of the Charter have found that people have a more respectful behavior since the implementation of their diversity management approach.

One of the trends is that signatories manage diversity in order to develop the well-being of all employees, especially with respect to work-life balance: 82% of them prioritize this topic. In this context, 92% of the signatory organizations have implemented a system of flexible working hours, while 89% have a system of part-time, parental leave, leave without pay and absence of meetings after 6pm. Telework is also progressively developing since 57% of the signatories have implemented it (against 37% in 2016).

Progress to note among the signatories in 2018:

·         23% of boards are made up of more women than men (compared to 19% in 2016);

·         The Charter allowed 59% of "old signatories" to implement at least one action;

·         59% of the "new signatories", meanwhile, have increased their theoretical knowledge;

·         65% of all signatories see a positive impact on the image and reputation of their organization;

·         63% of the "old" signatories see it as an opportunity to enter new markets.

These percentages demonstrate that organizations are becoming more aware of the competitive advantage and increased performance that diversity brings. In addition, they communicate better about their diversity commitment both internally and externally, thereby raising awareness and bringing together not only employees but also customers and partners.

You can download the Diversity & Business Lëtzebuerg 2018 barometer here (only in French for the moment) :

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