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Integration of diversity in company: how to report it?

On the 7th of November Fondazione Sodalitas with the collaboration of KPMG organized the workshop “Integration of diversity in company: how to report it?”.

date:  09/04/2019


The objective was to support companies in the integration of diversity and to help them disclose relevant non-financial information (on diversity) in a more consistent and more comparable manner.

Starting from the diversity indicators in the Non-Financial Directive and from how the companies have reported them, the workshop has therefore opened a reflection through the presentation of some corporate best practices.

After an introduction by Manuela Macchi, Board Member of Fondazione Sodalitas, KPMG outlined a scenario about non-financial information disclosure requirements on D&I and how to report them.

Then 4 companies illustrated their corporate best practices and the strategic objectives that they have to set in the light of reporting: UBI Banca, BNP Paribas Group, Edison and Snam.

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