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Welcome from the JUST funding team!

date:  04/04/2019

Dear readers,

this newsletter is designed, first, to let you know about our new calls for proposals, share some tips on project management that we have collected over the years and bring to your attention various interesting events and studies.
Secondly, it is as an information tool – we want to raise the profile of the projects we fund and improve cooperation among our current and potential beneficiaries that are active in similar fields.

We hope you will be inspired by the many projects we have already funded. These projects have brought about real change for the better in the lives of EU citizens.
Through this tool, we would like to create a community of interest, with whom to share feedback on what works (and what does not) in the proposals we receive and at project management level.

Drafted in English, this newsletter will be sent by email, four to six times a year, to all our subscribers (click here to subscribe and receive the next issues).

Please also share it with any colleagues or friends who may be interested. If you would rather not receive it, you can always unsubscribe via the link in the footer of each newsletter.

We want this newsletter to address your needs, so please share your feedback and any suggestions as to its content and possible improvements!

JUST funding team

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